Algonquin College Foundation: Ottawa Bluesfest Bursary

Created in 2012, this bursary has supported students in the School of Hospitality and Tourism in the Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism program.  One bursary is given out each year to a student who can demonstrate financial need and who has applied to the bursary.   The endowment itself has a principal of $15,250.  Since the 2012-2013 academic year a total of $2,222 has been given to financially challenged students to help them stay in school.  This fund was matched dollar for dollar through the original donation and the matching program that used to be in place with the provincial government (Ontario Trust for Student Support).  This program would match donors who wished to establish an endowed bursary dollar for dollar.

For more info, head over to the Algonquin College Financial Aid and Student Awards Web page in the School of Hospitality and Tourism.